Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Kasepuhan Palace is the grandest and best preserved palace in Cirebon. Meaning in every corner of the architecture of this palace was the most famous historic. The front page of this palace surrounded by red brick walls and there is a hall therein. Palace has a museum which is quite complete and contains a collection of heirlooms and paintings of the kingdom. One of the sacred collection of trains Singa Barong. This train is no longer in use and only issued on every 1 Shawwal to be bathed. The interior of the palace consists of a main building which is white. It poses the living room, bedroom and the king's throne.

History Kasepuhan Palace was founded in 1529 by Prince Mas Mochammad Arifin II (grandson of Sunan Gunung Jati), which replaces the throne of the Sunan Gunung Jati in 1506. He lives in the Great dalem Pakungwati Cirebon. Keraton Keraton Pakungwati Kasepuhan formerly, while holding the title Prince Mas Mochammad Arifin Panembahan Pakungwati I. The name comes from the name of Queen Pakungwati Goddess Pakungwati bint who married Prince Cakrabuana Sunan Gunung Jati. He died in 1549 in the Great Mosque Sang Cipta Rasa in very old age. His name is perpetuated and glorified by Sunan Gunung Jati nasab as the name of the royal palace royal palace which is now called the Palace Pakungwati Kasepuhan. In front of the palace there Kesepuhan plaza at the time of the ancient town square named Sangkala Buana, which is where military exercises are held on Saturdays or call at the time was Saptonan. And in this plaza was once held various kinds of punishment against any people who break the rules, such as caning. In the west there is the Mosque of Sultan Kasepuhan quite magnificent work of the guardians of the Great Mosque Sang Cipta Rasa. While in the plaza east of the former is where the market economy - is now the market is very famous kesepuhan pocinya. Model forms palace overlooking the north by building mosques in the west and the market in the east and the plaza adjoining the palace models at that time was mainly located in coastal areas. Even today, these models are much followed by all districts and cities mainly in Java that is in front of government buildings are square and on the western side there is the mosque. Before entering the gates of the palace complex Kasepuhan there are two of the pavilion, the west called Pancaratna who formerly was a gathering place of the palace courtier, headman or in contemporary times called the civil service. While the marquee to the east called Pancaniti which is where the officers of the palace when the holding of military exercises in the square. Entering the palace complex way on the left there is a fairly tall building with solid brick wall around it. The building is named Siti inggil or in the language of his daily Cirebon is weak duwur the high ground. As its name suggests this building was very tall and looks like a temple complex in the time of Majapahit. The building was founded in 1529, during the reign of Sheikh Sharif Hidayatullah (Sunan Gunung Jati). In the front yard there inggil Siti rectangular stone table place to relax. This building is an outbuilding that was made in the 1800s. Siti inggil has two gates with the motive of the Majapahit era architectural style moment. At the north gate called Adi whereas in the south called the Gate Bull. Under this gate there is Candice Sakala Bull with Bull's writings Tinata Bata Kuta which if interpreted was in 1451. saka which is the year of manufacture (1451 saka = 1529 M). Northern wall of the complex Siti inggil pristine while the south has ever experienced restoration / renovation. On the wall there inggil Siti complex wall plates and porslen-porslen originating from Europe and China by the year of manufacture 1745 AD Inside the complex there are 5 Siti inggil building without walls that has a name and its own function. The main building is situated in the middle named Malang Semirang with 6 units of the main pillars that symbolize the pillars of faith and if the aggregated total of 20 pillars that symbolize the fruit of 20 attributes of Allah SWT. This building is where the sultan saw military exercises or see the implementation of punishment. Building on the left side of the main building named Pendawa Lima with a number of pillars that symbolize the 5 pillars of Islam. This building where bodyguards sultan.Bangunan to the right of the main building named Semar Tinandu with 2 of the pole that represents the Two Sentence Creed. This building is where the Sultan's advisor / prince. Behind the main building named Mande Pangiring which is where the Sultan's entourage, while the adjacent building is the Mande Mande pangiring Karasemen, this place is the place accompanist tetabuhan / gamelan. In this building is still used to ring the Gamelan Sekaten (Gong Sekati), gamelan is only rung 2 times in a year ie at the time of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. In addition there are 5 buildings without walls is also a kind of stone monument called Linga Yoni is the symbol of fertility. Linga means men and Yoni means female. The building is derived from Hindu culture. And on top of the wall around the complex Siti inggil have Candi Laras for harmonization of these inggil Siti complex.

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